How to Convert Multiple Lists into a Pandas Dataframe – Definitive Guide

Python lists allow you to store multiple items in a single object.

You can convert multiple lists into pandas dataframe using the zip() method.

Basic Example

To convert multiple lists into pandas dataframe,

  • Create multiple lists and create a list of tuples with one value from each list
  • Use the pd.DataFrame() and pass the list of tuples to create a dataframe out of the lists
designation = ['Data Scientist', 'Developer', 'Sr. Developer', 'Product Manager']

avg_salary = [200000, 175000, 190000, 250000]

salary_lists  = list(zip(designation, avg_salary))

df = pd.DataFrame(salary_lists, columns = ['designation', 'avg_salary'])


DataFrame Will Look Like

The list values are converted into a DataFrame.

0Data Scientist200000
2Sr. Developer190000
3Product Manager250000

Different methods are available to convert multiple lists into Pandas Dataframe. Let us learn each method in detail and see when it is appropriate to use them.

Creating Multiple Lists

designation = ['Data Scientist', 'Developer', 'Sr. Developer', 'Product Manager']

avg_salary = [200000, 175000, 190000, 250000]

Convert Lists to Dataframe Using a Zip

In this section, you’ll use the zip() method to create a list of tuples.

  • Each tuple will contain one item from each list.
  • When lists are of different sizes, the least size list will decide the number of tuples created. Other items will be ignored.

Use this method when you want to create a dataframe from more than two lists or you have a list of different sizes.


salary_lists  = list(zip(designation, avg_salary))

df = pd.DataFrame(salary_lists, columns = ['designation', 'avg_salary'])


DataFrame Will Look Like

When you print the dataframe using the df.head(), you’ll see the list of values available in the dataframe.

0Data Scientist200000
2Sr. Developer190000
3Product Manager250000

This is how you can convert multiple lists into a pandas dataframe using the zip() method.

Convert Lists to Dataframe Using a Dictionary

This section teaches you how to convert multiple lists to a pandas dataframe using a dictionary and from_dict() method.

Use this method when you have two lists to create a dataframe because you can use one list as a key and another list as a value while creating a dictionary.


import pandas as pd

designation = ['Data Scientist', 'Developer', 'Sr. Developer', 'Product Manager']

avg_salary = [200000, 175000, 190000, 250000]

salary_dict = dict(designation=designation, avg_salary =avg_salary)

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(salary_dict)


DataFrame Will Look Like

0Data Scientist200000
2Sr. Developer190000
3Product Manager250000

This is how you can use a dictionary to convert two lists to a pandas dataframe.

Create Dataframe from Lists of Different Length

When having multiple lists, there are chances that the lists are of different sizes.

When you use those lists with different sizes, you’ll see the ValueError saying that all the arrays must be of the same length.

ValueError: All arrays must be of the same length

There are two possibilities to create a dataframe with lists of different sizes.

  1. Use the Zip method explained above. This will create a dataframe with the size of the minimum size list.
  2. Use the dictionary and the from_dict() method, and create a dataframe with the orient=index parameter. It’ll create a dataframe with the lists as rows. You can use the transpose() method. It’ll transpose rows as columns.


designation = ['Data Scientist', 'Developer', 'Sr. Developer', 'Product Manager', 'Project Manager']

avg_salary = [200000, 175000, 190000, 250000]

salary_dict = dict(designation=designation, avg_salary =avg_salary)

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(salary_dict, orient='index').transpose()


DataFrame Will Look Like

The missing values will be denoted with None Values.

0Data Scientist200000
2Sr. Developer190000
3Product Manager250000
4Project ManagerNone

This is how you can create a dataframe from lists of different lengths.

Create Dataframe From Lists as Columns

This section teaches you how to create a dataframe from lists as columns instead of rows.

  • Create a dataframe from lists as columns using the orient=‘index’ parameter while creating the dataframe.


designation = ['Data Scientist', 'Developer', 'Sr. Developer', 'Product Manager']

avg_salary = [200000, 175000, 190000, 250000]

salary_dict = dict(designation=designation, avg_salary =avg_salary)

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(salary_dict, orient='index')


DataFrame Will Look Like

designationData ScientistDeveloperSr. DeveloperProduct Manager

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