How To Convert A Dictionary To JSON in Python – With Examples

Dictionary allows you to store value in a key-value format, and JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format.

You can convert a dictionary to JSON in python using the json.dumps(yourdict) method.

Basic Example

import json

yourdict = {'Name': 'Ram', 'Job': 'Expert', 'Salary': '90000'}

result = json.dumps(yourdict)




    {"Name": "Ram", "Job": "Expert", "Salary": "90000"}

    <class 'str'>

This tutorial teaches you how to convert a dictionary to JSON in python and how to use the indent and the sort_keys parameter.

Using dumps() function

The dumps() method converts the passed dictionary object to a JSON formatted String.

  • It accepts a dictionary as a parameter
  • Returns a JSON-formatted string.


import json

yourdict = {'Name': 'Ram', 'Job': 'Expert', 'Salary': '90000'}

result = json.dumps(yourdict)




    {"Name": "Ram", "Job": "Expert", "Salary": "90000"}

    <class 'str'>

Using dumps() With Indent

It is easier to read a String when it is properly indented and formatted.

  • Use the indent parameter to convert the dictionary with each key-value pair in a newline and proper indentation.

Writing the content of a dictionary with an indent is also known as pretty printing.


import json

yourdict = {'Name': 'Ram', 'Job': 'Expert', 'Salary': '90000'}

result = json.dumps(yourdict, indent = 3)



   "Name": "Ram",
   "Job": "Expert",
   "Salary": "90000"

Using dumps() With sort_keys

Since Python 3.7, the insertion order is maintained in the dictionary. Hence, if the keys are inserted in a sorted manner, they’ll also be retrieved in the same order.

However, the older version of Python doesn’t maintain the key insertion orders.

To sort the keys while converting the dictionary into a JSON string,

  • Use the sort_keys=True parameter.


import json

yourdict = {'Name': 'Ram', 'Job': 'Expert', 'Salary': '90000'}

result = json.dumps(yourdict, sort_keys = True)



    {"Job": "Expert", "Name": "Ram", "Salary": "90000"}

Convert Nested Dictionary To JSON

This section demonstrates how to convert a nested dictionary into a JSON string.

  • Use the same json.dumps() method and pass the nested dictionary as a parameter.
  • Using the indent parameter while using the nested dictionary is recommended so that the output string will be formatted and easily readable.


import json

yourdict ={ 
  "Ram": {'Job': 'Expert', 'Salary': '90000'},
  "Michael" : {'Job': 'Developer', 'Salary': '80000'},

json_object = json.dumps(yourdict, indent = 3, sort_keys = True) 



       "Michael": {
          "Job": "Developer",
          "Salary": "80000"
       "Ram": {
          "Job": "Expert",
          "Salary": "90000"

Convert Dictionary to JSON File

This section teaches you how to convert a dictionary into a JSON string and write it into a file.

  • Use the dump() method and pass the dictionary and file object.
  • The dictionary will be converted into JSON string and written into a file.

To learn in detail about writing a dictionary into a JSON file, read: – How To Dump A Dictionary Into A JSON File in Python


import json

yourdict = {'Name': 'Ram', 'Job': 'Expert', 'Salary': '90000'}

with open('result.json', 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(yourdict, fp)


You’ll see the following content when you open the result.json file.

{"Name": "Ram", "Job": "Expert", "Salary": "90000"}

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